Sunday, July 27, 2014

F*ckin Ni&&as...

It is Eid (for the Muslim friends who celebrate it). 
It is Sunday evening. 
It is me leaving my 89 year old grandmothers house after a quick 20 minute visit in my old neighborhood. 

What do I come out to? 

A motherfuckin scratched car- literally like someone keyed my car. 


#1- I ain't fuckin no one else's man. Shit, I ain't fuckin any man at the moment. 
#2- It is a motherfuckin almost 10 year old corolla. 
#3- are people still doing that these days? Like for why? What purpose does that serve? To piss someone off- well it worked but
#4- ya Ni&&as may want to get the correct car because really keying my shit ain't causing the proper effect- unless it is to piss me the hell off in which case I would have to wonder 
#5- What the hell I do to you, Ni&&a??

So basically, I gets to deal with this nonsense bulkshit. 

Universe... You definitely have some explaining to do. 

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