Friday, July 25, 2014

Today's Gemini Extended Horoscope

Gemini, Daily Extended Horoscope, Friday, July 25th:

You are feeling especially grounded and stable right now --
much more so than usual --
and you are unwilling to take any guff from anyone.
Your self-confidence is the result of something you did recently that proved to others and,
more importantly,
to yourself,
that you're a serious force to be reckoned with at work or in the community.
When you set your mind to something,
anything is possible.

 It is funny how this horoscope is 'telling me about myself' and the way I am feeling- which is especially grounded and stable. you think?  Because at what point in my life do I feel stable- I mean at what point have I felt stable-- I mean stability is something that I am consistently trying to achieve stability in my mind, stability in my actions, stability in my heart, thoughts, stability in the consistency of my friends and stability of my giving and my support and things like that. It is interesting that  consistency and stability is just something that i want. Anywho, yes, my self-confidence is something that has actually increased this week because things that have happened at work have actually been for my benefit.. I have learned a lot about myself and my management style and my personality.
anything is possible.

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