Wednesday, June 04, 2008

the 3rd anniversary of my 29th birthday

So apparently the 3rd anniversary of my 29th birthday came and went.

I am still HERE.

I am coming to terms with the insane adultness that recently decided to creep up on me and land right in the middle of my lap.

Yes, I said it crept up on me, because as prepared as I am for whatever may come, somehow one is never prepared for THIS.

  • More than the death of my mother, it is MOM entering the new life as an Angel, and me entering my life as grown.

  • More than me asking why and how am I going to make it thru this, it is us helping others and trying to make sure no one must go thru this ordeal as well (see relay for life... see St. Jude's Memorial fund)

It is without a doubt the life lessons that continue to enter the rational side of my brain; all the while the incoherent irrationalness of some of the thoughts that slip in the other side of my mind leads me to wonder…

I’ll let that be.

It is without a doubt why there is prayer, and why it works

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