Today is Friday the 13th
It seems that things are supposed to happen today, like random acts of bad luck and drama of some sorts. Apparently many people have a real fear and dread of this day (or the # 13, or the combination of the two…go figure.) Well as I learned on the train this am is that the one passenger chick never usually takes the train, but decided to on this date cause she didn’t want to drive her car to the city this morning. (Clearly I looked like I wanted to chat this morning pre-coffee and all…) she was a nicely dressed older lady (older like 40’s??) Well she quoted some statistic about the # of train accidents vs. # of plane accidents vs. # of train accidents so she felt we were on the safer end of the spectrum (where she got this tidbit of knowledge is beyond me). As I nod and make the almost appropriate ‘commuter-train-gestures-to-random-strangers-in-the-morning’ [handbook to follow shortly folks], she seems genuinely pleased to be having this conversation this am (at a rather loud decibel) since the ipod was on and I was trying to write more pages of my scintillating novel [novel to follow not so shortly], she asks can I have a dollar.
Now yes, in NYC at any given point in the day +any point in time of your commute/daily living someone will approach you for money. It is a given. Hell, people I know approach me for funds when we get paid on the same day (ya’ll know who you are) but that is a way different kind of approach than this woman.
She decided that with my dollar, she would play lotto today and if she wins, she will find me to give me the winning money. She would not keep a dime (not that I asked her why she wanted a dollar, I just looked at her…) my look must have said something like “undoubtedly you don’t think I am about to give you a dollar out of the goodness of my heart lady, and do I look like an idiot?” I politely say, sorry don’t have a dollar, and she responded its ok, she will use her own and still will come find me.
Nice. I wonder if the threat of her finding me is considered stalking & can I get a restraining order?
But at any rate, suffice it to say, the train ride went relatively quick (I was still writing & she was still talking though I wasn’t listening), and easy (she did turn and engage the other passenger woman next to her for a brief time).
As it was my time to get off the train, (OH what luck she is getting off at 14th street union square stations as well); I politely said have a nice day as we both got off the train & she proceeded to turn left to go up the stairs.
And trip. Going up the first stair.
(Yes, she was ok, just a slight stumble which was utterly hilarious given the current circumstances; and she laughed it off herself)
But she proceeds to say (I don’t know to whom, me? Everyone else around her? GOD? Mother Earth?)
Can I tell you how funny this is to start my day?
She doesn’t take the train cause she can’t walk??
I can NOW see why it is perilous to take the train...
It seems that things are supposed to happen today, like random acts of bad luck and drama of some sorts. Apparently many people have a real fear and dread of this day (or the # 13, or the combination of the two…go figure.) Well as I learned on the train this am is that the one passenger chick never usually takes the train, but decided to on this date cause she didn’t want to drive her car to the city this morning. (Clearly I looked like I wanted to chat this morning pre-coffee and all…) she was a nicely dressed older lady (older like 40’s??) Well she quoted some statistic about the # of train accidents vs. # of plane accidents vs. # of train accidents so she felt we were on the safer end of the spectrum (where she got this tidbit of knowledge is beyond me). As I nod and make the almost appropriate ‘commuter-train-gestures-to-random-strangers-in-the-morning’ [handbook to follow shortly folks], she seems genuinely pleased to be having this conversation this am (at a rather loud decibel) since the ipod was on and I was trying to write more pages of my scintillating novel [novel to follow not so shortly], she asks can I have a dollar.
Now yes, in NYC at any given point in the day +any point in time of your commute/daily living someone will approach you for money. It is a given. Hell, people I know approach me for funds when we get paid on the same day (ya’ll know who you are) but that is a way different kind of approach than this woman.
She decided that with my dollar, she would play lotto today and if she wins, she will find me to give me the winning money. She would not keep a dime (not that I asked her why she wanted a dollar, I just looked at her…) my look must have said something like “undoubtedly you don’t think I am about to give you a dollar out of the goodness of my heart lady, and do I look like an idiot?” I politely say, sorry don’t have a dollar, and she responded its ok, she will use her own and still will come find me.
Nice. I wonder if the threat of her finding me is considered stalking & can I get a restraining order?
But at any rate, suffice it to say, the train ride went relatively quick (I was still writing & she was still talking though I wasn’t listening), and easy (she did turn and engage the other passenger woman next to her for a brief time).
As it was my time to get off the train, (OH what luck she is getting off at 14th street union square stations as well); I politely said have a nice day as we both got off the train & she proceeded to turn left to go up the stairs.
And trip. Going up the first stair.
(Yes, she was ok, just a slight stumble which was utterly hilarious given the current circumstances; and she laughed it off herself)
But she proceeds to say (I don’t know to whom, me? Everyone else around her? GOD? Mother Earth?)
Can I tell you how funny this is to start my day?
She doesn’t take the train cause she can’t walk??
I can NOW see why it is perilous to take the train...
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