Exactly why I do not go out... and by out I mean out to the club settings.
Most of the club settings I have recently been setting in involve me standing in heels
(looking extra cute)
but painfully aware of the things that are going on around me.
and seeing all the colors of Bermuda
meeting NY people in a rooftop bar in NY.
And seeing the married man
causally and not so subtly
checking out the other married man
who is standing with his wife at the bar.
She is chatting away with some girl there
and he is making sexy eyes at dude.
And she is none the wiser.
More interesting
And the wedding ring is nice,
but it is just an adornment
[kinda like their marriage I assume].
And I go to the bar.
Get me a cool drink.
Wait for Peachy to show up
Watch another couple... couple
and decide to leave
I can not go out
and watch couples
at home.
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