Thursday, March 05, 2009

mood swings

Like the title says, mood swings happen faster than I can even fathom because one moment I am focused, working here and attempting to make a difference. The next minute I am in tears about some mundane piece of skin on my hand that can kind of sort of make me think about my mom and Jesus why am I crying yet again. I need a pill or something.

  • NO, I still have not found counseling & at this point (about to be a year later what's the point?) what's done is done, what's not done is not done and move along.
  • Still 'fighting' -the weight of myself is heavy (physically & mentally). I am trying to raise myself to some level of peace...this is a heavy load to bear that is not getting any easier or lighter to carry.
  • This debt of mine is crushing me. Actually debt from every decision of my life is crushing me (good or bad decisions, how ironic the debt has to be paid at some point) whether it be the choice i made to go to school & get a degree= now I have to pay for it monthly to the tune of $700 to Mrs. Sallie Mae or the choice I make to drink tea & coffee each day= the non-white teeth I possess. Yes there is a price to be paid.
now all I have to do is just breathe.

1 comment:

beks said...

"I need a pill or something."
"NO, I still have not found counseling & at this point (about to be a year later what's the point?)"

btw- its fun...most of the time.