I put up this pic of me and it is interesting some of the comments that I received.
[Yes, I know by putting myself out there I open myself up to this-- but considering the folks on my list are friends and folks that I have approved to be there it is like ummmm OK- to the point since luckily I have to approve all the things on my timeline, I ended up not approving more than I let show]
Now, let's be clear- I am human.
It is a leg/ thigh combo
(like Popeye's without the breaded deep fried-ness and biscuit)
and I am not ashamed.
But what is ashamed is the words and comments of some who feel that
- I should not expose myself like this
- That this (aka ME) is unattractive
- I should cover myself up
- I should hit the gym
- Why am I naked?
And a few others that I shall not write because they may or may not read this blog and I am being a bit passive-aggressive at this moment vs being aggressive-aggressive and calling them out.
[Just for today, tomorrow I may return to my regularly scheduled bitchy program where I fuck the feelings of others and speak my mind because the truth...the truth shall set you free!]
Now, there were some others that were basically yay & all that (yay love love love ya'll)
but I am not gonna focus on them (cause like I tend to do is focus on the negative--)
Now I was going to answer some of the questions and some of the more asinine comments
Now, there were some others that were basically yay & all that (yay love love love ya'll)
but I am not gonna focus on them (cause like I tend to do is focus on the negative--)
Now I was going to answer some of the questions and some of the more asinine comments
but I am like what gives you the right, the gall and the audacity to...
but then I stop.
Free Speech.
And there it is.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion
and thank you
for reminding me that your opinion is just that-
I choose not to suscribe to it,
and you know what
I welcome your opinion because
I can choose to acknowledge it
and internalise it
and have it effect/ affect me
I can choose
to let it roll off my back
(and leg and thigh in this case LMAO)
Hey as one of my friends says:
love me or leave Tasha alone
well all my personalities are in agreeance with this statement
love me (all of me) or leave Tasha alone.
[but could you imagine the scandal if i put that other pic up??]
Good thing I do not plan to run for congress
(tho I have a much cleaner record than any of them)
but I guess if I plan to get married to my Barack Obama
I may have to let him know all of my secrets...
well beauty is...
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