Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11- 8 years later

11-Sep-09 9:18 AM
it is without a doubt one of the more defining moments in our time
our history and
our character.
as Americans and citizens of this world the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the flight that went down in the field in PA
we remember and pause to reflect.
I recall the emotions that surrounded us all that day the un-realness of it all.
Is it a bad dream and please let it be over soon feeling.
The OH My God is such & such OK, where is this person can u contact mom, the I'm scared feelings.
The race to get out of the city to bring oneself closer to the family I loved.
Me & my friend Samantha a Puerto Rican from the Bronx who converted to Islam trying to make it home & the overt predijuces and hatred of the people surrounding us on that day.
The sense of impending uncertainty that hovered.
The sense of relief when we made it to the Bronx.
The silence of the skies and the presence of an ak47 on the MTA.
The days that followed where we could not get into the city unless absolutely necessary.
The truths that followed by the lies that led.
I will never forget those who gave their lives on that day and the days that followed to this day so that we can be
and thus with all the privilidges and rights that are associated with it.
I will never forget.

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