I read that years ago and (complete with the following passage of and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. ) I thought oh Shakespeare what a wise soul you be; what sage advice you have to offer sir.
Now how many times have I actually followed this advice? I would like to say always (I am rarely coerced into something that does not suit me but is that just me still always being true to myself? or is that just being stubborn??)
I have often said and did things that I wanted to do. And still I strive to find out what I really want to do all in the same breath. it is maddening...this whole being true to myself without cause or concern but with honestly and openness and then being satisfied and happy with these results.
i need a V-8.
I wonder how it is all gonna end... like these chapters and the passages of my life are a great story (in my head) and sometimes I want to skip to the "good" parts (i.e. sex, love, rock & roll) so that all this anticipation is not for naught.
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