In the connotation of words and words that are specifically
written by me- it would be wise to not let your negative view of every action
(or word) dictate how you interpret the words I use. Because by your assumption, you assume the worst in people. You
assume the worst in the thoughts and actions they have intended for you. And by virtue of looking for something (the
negative assumption) you do indeed tend to find it.
Back story:
Life is going along- folks are extremely unhappy with their
current position and employment and lot in life. OK. An ‘opportunity’ presents
itself for relocation to another state- I say go for it! Ask for more $ and
take stock in what it can do for you and what you can do there. Back comes an
email with the if’s, and’s and but’s as to why it will not work and why this
relocated place is not a place they can conveniently move to the next level of
their career and ultimate bliss. So I reply:
smh smh---
i love love love
the excuses!how muck work have you done in NY for your ultimate bliss thus far to make it not worth it to start again in relocated place? considering there is a need for what you want to do many places (and a conclave of rich people who maintain residences in relocated place and ny) there is a potential market down there as well- don't count them out. i do see your point.
considering you said you are not going to be making more money no matter how you slice it- welcome back to the to the rotten apple.
i just know if I am offered an opportunity and don't take it -i have learned from past missed opportunities not to do that again.
i think about the first transformers movie when the dude says to the chick (about getting in the car):
Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, don't you
want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car!!!
But all that aside-- speaking of your resume-- you would know if that movement (from where you are to another place not making more $ then back to where you are if it comes to that) would/could look negative on the resume. i think it would show your willingness to try something out in a different office (and can be explained that you went to help start up the office in relocated place and your exceptional knowledge is what made that opportunity available for you.
sooo yeah everything is explainable. but if this opportunity is not something that is favorable to you (like in a tangible way) then it aint for you.
This person was thrown by my use of the word: excuses and
took offense to that because everyone who uses that word means it in a negative
way and they are not making excuses. Of course I am not everyone and happen to
google Merriam Webster:

And then said I didn’t answer their question.
Que Pharcyde, enter Oportunity as "she", carry on.
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