Thursday, January 17, 2008

A change is gonna come...

I figure i should start at the beginning...

where you can learn about me, learn about views, learn about....


As this year comes to a close, and we are about to marshal in 2008 there are definitely some things that need to be addressed.

Have you ever heard that song so eloquently sung by Sam Cooke entitled "A change is Gonna Come" well that is positively the theme for me in this upcoming 2008. not saying that 2007 was bad or anything, I mean there are blessings abound in 2007, and there is soo much that I am thankful for:

My faith- let me just say I love God and all my blessings and gifts and talents that he has bought forth thru me.
My family- as much as I complain about them and talk about them and laugh about them and love them, I am saying for the record that I truly love my family (near and far). They are my strength and source of comfort and can definitely work a nerve like the best of them but are truly a blessing always.
My friends- this year has opened up some new and wonderful friendships that I am sure will last more than a season. Also, with this passing year, I have come to realize some of the friendships that I once held on to (for one reason or another) clearly were not meant to be more than what they are. With that said, YES my friends are the best in the world at challenging me to be the best that I can be (borrowed from the army), to live my life to its full potential (thank you Oprah), and they are the absolute best sources of entertainment in this life. Trust and believe I am truly thankful for their support and encouragement thru all the difficult and happy times. (I am getting mushy now…)
My education: Yes, I graduated from ..New York University with my MASTERS degree in Higher Education. Do I feel like I have accomplished something, no doubt. This is just a stepping stone to bigger and better things…
My career: that is right, I said it- career. This is not any 9-5 hustle just to pay the rent. I am actually loving and digging my job. I interact with different students daily, I problem solve constantly, I am abreast of the politics and drama in higher education (which by the way is critical to a sustainable society) yes, I am getting my groove where I am and get paid for it- how about them apples?
My book- WOW… I mean to put it simply, stuff that I experienced, dreamt about, and felt I put pen to paper and completed this first book of poetry. And then I actually put it out there to get judged, criticized and sell. I am truly blessed for the people who listened, encouraged and kept believing in me.
But for the changes that will come in 2008 (watch out now) because if you thought 2007 was hot, darling you have no idea….

LOVE LOVE LOVE… yes I have said it before and I will say it again…I am worthy of love. I am ready for love. I am truly available for the love of my life and yes I know he is out there. I have faith in all the higher powers that BE that this right here is preparing me for the effort that is relationship and the love I deserve. Trust and believe my status as a single sister in the city will be changing for the better.
Health-spiritually, emotionally, physically… well in 2007 Justin Timberlake bought sexy back (or was that 2006? I don't know) so I sure know that it is high time that I bring forth my sexy. During this past year, I typically tried to "hide my sparkly" as not to diminish any other people around me. Well, that didn't work out so good seeing as how I was not doing justice to myself or them. And truth be told, that was boring. I was playing it safe (in most areas). SOOO now, hey this is it. This is me—take it or leave it. Guess who is playing a winning game
Faith, family, and friends- these bonds will get stronger and stronger thru this year and beyond, I have no worries about that…
My writing- there will be more to come, more juicy tidbits of life thru Adiva's eyes… I am sure you cant wait

So yes, a change is gonna come and on so many levels.
Are you with me?
Happy 2008!!! Be blessed, with love…

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