Sunday, April 06, 2014

Day 5- 30 for 30 [National Poetry Month]

Saving you
I thought I could save you
That if I believed hard enough and
Prayed even harder
You would be here.
I sometimes thought that you thought I didn't care.
I thought You would survive
Hell, I thought you would even thrive
I guess...that was a thought wasted.

I thought that any treatment that was done
was for the betterment of you
And that given enough time everything would return to normal.
I guess that was another thought wasted... Whatever that is...

I thought that it was unfair all that was asked of me- and why it was not asked of the rest of the three?
I guess that was another thought wasted

I thought that since God felt fit to take my father away,
he would leave me with a mother/ daughter dance.
I thought that if I made more money and could have gotten you to a better place
maybe there could have been another chance

Your saving grace was never me (how foolish to think i could ever be)
And I know God had different plans
After all
She is the wo-man
I know I'm not supposed to be sad
Hey when you get a moment say hello to dad
I'll try to stop beating myself up
Cause I mean really what the fuck?
That thru all the things what I can truly say
Yes, I made it thru another fateful day
But I guess there were some thoughts wasted.

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