Gemini Horoscope for April 20, 2013

You will be meeting up with a very unique person today. They'll spark your interest and make you eager to get to know them better. Nevertheless, you should keep the conversation light and carefree. If you barrage them with too many questions or share too many details of your own life too soon, you will overwhelm them and scare them off. No matter whether you want this person in your life for personal or professional reasons, you need to start things off on the right foot by not going to fast too soon.
Today's horoscope is basically a day late and a dollar short-- but in essence I guess correct...
So if you recall I literally fell into the new year-- well my ankle has not been the same ever since. I know what a broken ankle feels like considering I had one in 7th grade. so the next day, I had to ice it and wrap it and soak it and for a week I was hobbling on it- but then I was OK to walk. OK. once a week, I was still wrapping it up and taking care of it but apparently it never really really got any better. I then decided to be cute for 2 days and wear heels and all that jazz (yay pedicure!) and of course that aggravated the hell outta it. SO I go to the Dr and wait 3 hours (yay US health care) and right when I was going to amputate the ankle myself a cute doctor come in and is like "hey you must be the one with the ankle problem" now me being who I am was prepared to be MAD as hell (+ indignant+ ornery etc...) and I look up and it is a very fine chocolate man there. words almost failed me- and I was like yup that's me. he apologized for the wait and at this point I am like what was paining me again? (sad, I am sure).
Anywho, he proceeded to chat, discuss the the injury and then he (as part of the examination I am sure) massages my foot and ankle. [now knowing that of course this was standard procedure in examining an ankle and making sure you know there are no broken bones etc, right I STILL got all tingly inside as basically my nerves were saying HELLO there is a man touching you! HELLO and this feels good...] anywho, we determined I tore some ligaments very very badly and because I neglected to get it checked out initially and then continued to wrap it and get it healed up to a point that I felt better but not enough to heal... anywho I have to wear this ankle brace thing for 2-4 weeks and if it is not better then I have to like go back for more stuff. On top of that I need to have physical therapy as well.
So while he was telling me all that, he was massaging the foot I was trying to think about how to proposition him and not have him loose his job- and wondering if that is appropriate and all (guessing it is not)...
anyway according to my horoscope I was going to meet someone and "get off on the right foot" HA... innuendo.
that's all...
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