in an effort to SAVE money in this economy & still maintain a healthy sense of life for all those involved (see admitted habit of caffeine) i have indulged and purchased a mini 4-cup coffee maker for my desk at work. *side note do you know that the STANDARD cup of coffee according to some b^ll site is only a mere 5 oz?? gimmie a break* so we shall see how this all pans out.
cost of coffee maker- $9.99
cost of coffee- $7.99 (dunkin donuts)
Cost of creamer-$3.99 (french vanilla)
cost of sugar- $3.99= overall total cost of $26.00.
now if i drink a cup a day(at average of 1.50/cup) that means i have to drink 17 cups of this baby and i am GOOD!
so far had 2 cups!
i can do it! that's all...
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