Friday, September 05, 2014

Coffee thought... Horoscope September 4, 2014

Horoscope: Gemini: September 4th, 2014

Something you read now or a piece of information that falls in your lap could alter your thinking radically.This is good and will help you step outside yourself and gain an insight into the possible outcomes that are available to you.You must break the habit of feeling as if you must live your life the way you always have.

Now, while I don't know what habits I need to be breaking are I do know that I am at a place where things are working into place and I am working things as well. 
Living my life with a great work ethic and accountability is something that won't change. Maybe being such a giver might. We shall see...
that's all...

Oh happy birthday to my Granny who tells people she is 29 but really 92 and Beyoncé who is cause why not 33...

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